
Group Dog Training classes are the place to train and socialize your dogs properly. From Basic Obedience to Canine Good Citizen – Therapy Dog Training to Agility – you and your dog will have fun, gain new skills and achieve your goals. Classes are held outside at The Gardens Park (215/Town Center) to ensure you and your dog are facing all the challenges of the real world that you experience every day in your own neighborhoods and parks.

Class size is limited! Contact us for more information and to register 702-893-0300


Basic Obedience through Agility
This course is ideal for dogs of all ages, including puppies, who have had little or no formal training, or need a refresher. The course provides tips for improving canine manners including no digging, barking, jumping and elimination of all other naughty dog habits! It also offers all basic obedience commands including sit, stay, down, come, leave-it, how to walk nicely on the leash and socialize properly with other dogs. To keep things fresh and fun all commands are used in conjunction with an introduction to agility equipment.

Wednesday Evening at 6:00 PM                 April 29 through May 27
Saturday Morning at 10:00 AM                   May 2 through May 30
Orientation for above classes Wed April 22 at 7:00 PM inside Gardens Community Center NO DOGS

Therapy Dog Team Preparation
This course is ideal for handlers who have been working with their dogs on good manners and obedience and would like to participate in therapeutic work. The goal of this course is to prepare you and your dog to become a Registered Therapy Dog Team with a national organization. All paperwork, equipment and medical requirements will be reviewed and completed as part of the course. This class includes off site training as various locations around the city.

Saturday Morning at 11:00 AM                     May 2 through May 30
Orientation Wednesday April 22 at 7:00 PM inside Gardens Community

Intermediate Obedience for Canine Good Citizen
This class is ideal for handlers and dogs that have mastered the Basic level of Obedience and want to achieve their American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Title. Title is open to all dogs including mixed breed.

Wednesday Evening at 7:00 PM                   April 29 through May 27
Orientation for above classes Wed April 22 at 7:00 PM inside Gardens Community Center NO DOGS


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How To Teach Your Dog To Wave or “hi five”.


Step One:

Get your dog sit on your command .

Step Two:

Teach your dog to ‘touch”.  When the dog is sitting, hold a treat over the ear opposite the leg you want to lift. ie. While facing the dog hold a treat over his right ear to pick up his left paw. That takes the weight of the leg you want and makes it easier for the dog to offer you his paw. If he does not readily pick up his paw, tickle the hair behind the “knee” until he does. Don’t grab at his leg…many dogs don’t like having their feet touched, so be sure he picks the paw up on his own and then just let it rest on your hand with your palm up and your fingers pointing towards the floor. When the dog consistently touch’s your palm add any command you want like, “say hello”, or “touch”, or “gimmie five”.

Step Three:

When the dog is consistently putting his paw in your hand on command, leave your palm flat and open and start to raise your hand a little so he has to reach up to touch your palm. Then turn your hand so your fingers are upward as in ‘High five”. When he consistently reaches to touch your palm add any command you want to use.

Step Four:

Hold your hand high enough for the dog to have to stretch, but not so high that he’ll jump or break the sit. Gradually add distance between your hand and his paw until you’re just standing in front and he picks up his paw and waves. Add the verbal command wave or what ever word you want to use.



If you are looking for Dog Training Or Dog Boarding in Las Vegas area please feel free to contact us.

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Sit means put your tail on the floor until you’re released or given something else to do.

Use a food lure directly in front of your dog’s nose and slowly move upwards over his head. If he sits, say good and give him the food.

Don’t add the command until the behavior is consistent (until the dog sits every time you hold up the food) he doesn’t know what the word means anyway.

When the behavior is consistent, add the word AS THE DOG IS PERFORMING THE BEHAVIOR so he can link the two in his mind. This helps keep you from having to repeat commands. Then add the command before the behavior. Don’t  forget the positive word marker every time! See: “The Stuff You Gotta Know”

When you add the command before the behavior you can also add the release words “lets go“ to indicate that the dog can get up. See “Release Words” Keep sits very short at first so the dog learns to listen for the release and then gradually add time. If he gets up DO NOT REPEAT THE COMMAND. Use the negative word marker, lure with food or reposition and then say “good“.



Down means lay in place until I release you or give you something else to do. The place can be the floor, or a specific blanket, or a dog bed or in a spot at your feet.

Down is used to keep the dog quiet and under control in a relaxed position while you do other things.

To teach your dog the down command, start with the dog in the sit position. Use a food lure directly in front of the dog’s nose, no further than ½ inch away, and slowly move the treat down between the dog’s front paws. Do not move your hand forward away from the dog. Remember to go straight down SLOWLY between his front paws. You won’t need to add the command down until the dog is consistently and quickly following the treat into the down position every time. You can let the dog lick and nibble at the treat every time his head follows it down a little at first until he figures out that he has to keep his tail down and then put his head down at the same time. As soon as his chest is on the surface, say good and give him the treat.

If he gets up at the point, its o.k. Don’t  scold or correct him, just start the exercise again.

If he does not get up, release him (see release words) and give him another reward.

When the dog downs consistently and quickly, go ahead and add the word just as his chest hits the surface so he can associate the word with the action. Palm the treat in your hand for just a second, give the release word, and reward. Do not say “Stay”. Stay is used to indicate that you’re going to add distance or duration and is confusing to the dog and unnecessary.

If he gets up before you release him, simply return him to position until he learns he has to wait for the release word before he can get up.

Hope you are able to teach sit commands to your loving Dog, If not, you can certainly contact us for Dog Training in Las Vegas we are one of reputed dog trainers and dob boarding owners in Nevada.

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Dogs repeat behaviors based upon the consequences of the behavior.

If a dog does something and the consequences are pleasant the dog will consider the behavior rewarded and repeat it. DOGS USUALLY REPEAT REWARDED BEHAVIORS.

Rewards can be food treats or life rewards. Life rewards are things that occur on a day-to-day basis that your dog is willing to work for, like dinner, attention, praise, walks, games, car rides etc.

If a dog does something and the consequences are not pleasant the dog will most likely not repeat the behavior. DOGS USUALLY DROP BEHAVIORS THAT ARE NOT REWARDED.

The fastest way to train a dog is to consistently reward the behaviors you want and to consistently correct (or not reward) the behaviors you don’t want.

Remember, dogs also develop “self-rewarded” behaviors which have pleasant consequences or rewards that don’t necessarily come from you. Relieving his bladder on the carpet makes the dog feel better and is therefore rewarding for him and may be repeated if you’re not vigilant. Chewing up your remote control may be lots of fun for your dog and therefore could be perceived as rewarding for him and repeated – especially if you’re not around to be either more rewarding or to make chewing the remote unpleasant.

Corrections (or aversives) can be time outs, squirts from a water bottle, loud unpleasant sounds, ignoring the dog or leash corrections among other things.


Dogs Aren’t Born Knowing What We Want.

If the dog does something you want, let him know he got it right by saying good and rewarding him. The word “good” is called a “positive word marker”.

If he does something you don’t want say “uh-uh” or “no” and re-direct the behavior or correct the behavior and then say good when he’s right. The sound “uh-uh” or the word “no” are called “negative word markers”.

When you give your dog a command like “sit”, “down”, or “stay” be sure he remains in the position until you give him his “release word”. The release word tells the dog it’s all right to stop doing what you’ve asked for. Avoid common words for release words like “o.k” that the may mistake for a release.


Reasons Dogs Don’t Do What We Want Them To Do.

He Didn’t Hearboring stuff

Dogs have excellent hearing. Generally, if a dog doesn’t do what we want it’s not because he didn’t hear us. However, be sure to speak clearly when communicating with the dog.

He Wasn’t Paying Attention

Be sure the dog is focused on you before you ask for something. Get his attention by saying his name first.

He Physically Can’T Do What We Want

If the dog is on the patio and the door is closed he cannot come when called.

Yorkshire Terriers cannot pull drowning victims to shore. They’re physically too small.

He Doesn’t Understand What We Want

Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Teach the dog what you want by showing him, and then repeating the steps until he can remember them. Use one word commands. “Sit down” is a very confusing command for a dog.

He Just Doesn’t Want to do What We Want


Teach the dog that it is in his best interests to do what we want by using rewards and corrections consistently.


If you are looking for Dog Boarding In Las Vegas and Dog Training of any breed in Las Vegas we appreciate to reach us for the same.

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