
Group Dog Training classes are the place to train and socialize your dogs properly. From Basic Obedience to Canine Good Citizen – Therapy Dog Training to Agility – you and your dog will have fun, gain new skills and achieve your goals. Classes are held outside at The Gardens Park (215/Town Center) to ensure you and your dog are facing all the challenges of the real world that you experience every day in your own neighborhoods and parks.

Class size is limited! Contact us for more information and to register 702-893-0300


Basic Obedience through Agility
This course is ideal for dogs of all ages, including puppies, who have had little or no formal training, or need a refresher. The course provides tips for improving canine manners including no digging, barking, jumping and elimination of all other naughty dog habits! It also offers all basic obedience commands including sit, stay, down, come, leave-it, how to walk nicely on the leash and socialize properly with other dogs. To keep things fresh and fun all commands are used in conjunction with an introduction to agility equipment.

Wednesday Evening at 6:00 PM                 April 29 through May 27
Saturday Morning at 10:00 AM                   May 2 through May 30
Orientation for above classes Wed April 22 at 7:00 PM inside Gardens Community Center NO DOGS

Therapy Dog Team Preparation
This course is ideal for handlers who have been working with their dogs on good manners and obedience and would like to participate in therapeutic work. The goal of this course is to prepare you and your dog to become a Registered Therapy Dog Team with a national organization. All paperwork, equipment and medical requirements will be reviewed and completed as part of the course. This class includes off site training as various locations around the city.

Saturday Morning at 11:00 AM                     May 2 through May 30
Orientation Wednesday April 22 at 7:00 PM inside Gardens Community

Intermediate Obedience for Canine Good Citizen
This class is ideal for handlers and dogs that have mastered the Basic level of Obedience and want to achieve their American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Title. Title is open to all dogs including mixed breed.

Wednesday Evening at 7:00 PM                   April 29 through May 27
Orientation for above classes Wed April 22 at 7:00 PM inside Gardens Community Center NO DOGS


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